Finally i am back after a REALLY long break. But i am not back emptyhanded - i have released Underwater+ that changes some things from the original Underwater:
- more Newgrounds achievements
- made getting coins easier
- it's now easier to see something
- CHEAPER UPGRADES (formula: 5+(upgrade level * 5) )
- big bubbles!
- single-use upgrades that stay for one round (more air or bonus weapons)
Hope you will like it.
Finally i have released Underwater. You can play it on Newgrounds or here. Unfortunately on Newgrounds the shop sometimes does not work. Usually using "Clear Data" option removes the bug. Have fun!

And my next project will be an adventure/rpg game.
Yesterday i have made the main menu. Today it`s time to create the gameplay. In the picture you can see the hero(please note that the hero is currently a stickman - don`t worry, he will be a human) and an air bar above it. You will be able to increase the air limit and search for treasures longer. I think the full game will be released tomorrow, but i am not sure.

Hey all! As you see, i have a new site(i should say "i have a site", because i haven`t got a site for my flash games in the past). Here you can find info about my new projects and play the old ones. And, i have started a new project.
"Underwater" is my first game with saving data. This means the game will save your money and items that you have bought - so you don`t need to get them again. Also, it will be my first true game.

    About me

    My nick is FanMarioPL and i am from Poland. I create games using ActionScript2. Usually i will make new games very quick - so i think you won`t be bored. :)

    Old Posts

    May 2013
    January 2013


    Evil King